I collected on the following pages various SQL queries and their results on a sample database. They use different SQL functions and will help to learn and understand SQL queries. In addition they help for look up most commonSQL syntax examples. A SQL beginner will get a good overview about the capabilities of SQL. Examples are given for select, count, union, where, having, order, limit, views, NULL, like, subselects and joins.
Every query has a short description about it's purpose. Next he SQL query is listed with the result returned by the query. To create the sample database and -data download this file. All SQL query examples can be downloaded here. The sample database is a model of asmall database whichuses some data relations also used by facebook: Persons, friends, siblings, cities, addresses and messages.
For installation instructions for mySQL check this link and
mysql --column-names --table <frampsSQLByExample.sql
will install the sample sample data and run the sample queries
Sample database model
-- *******************
-- Simple queries to show the contents of the sample database
-- *******************
-- Query persons
select * from Person;
| id | LastName | FirstName | Father_Id | Mother_Id | Address_Id | Gender | Height |
| 1 | Turner | Peter | 6 | 5 | 1 | M | 180 |
| 2 | Turner | Angie | NULL | 8 | 1 | F | 160 |
| 3 | Turner | Marvin | 1 | 2 | 2 | M | 185 |
| 4 | Turner | Roxanne | 1 | 2 | 1 | F | 155 |
| 5 | Turner | Wendy | 8 | NULL | 3 | F | 167 |
| 6 | Turner | Richard | NULL | NULL | 3 | M | 162 |
| 8 | Wilson | Hilary | NULL | NULL | 4 | F | 169 |
| 7 | Wilson | Woodrow | NULL | NULL | 4 | M | 174 |
| 10 | Chen | Walter | NULL | NULL | NULL | M | 156 |
| 9 | Robinson | Rick | NULL | NULL | NULL | M | 189 |
-- Query Sibling
select * from Sibling;
| id | from_Id | to_Id |
| 1 | 3 | 4 |
| 2 | 4 | 3 |
-- Query City
select * from City;
| id | Name | ZIP |
| 1 | Rochester | 87656 |
| 2 | Paris | 1234 |
| 3 | Wien | 52637 |
| 4 | Berlin | 12987 |
| 5 | New York | 65432 |
-- Query address
select * from Address;
| id | City_Id | Street | No |
| 1 | 1 | Bondstreet | 13 |
| 2 | 2 | PlaceDeLetoile | 45 |
| 3 | 3 | BarneysStreet | 5 |
| 4 | 4 | ShiningStreet | 10 |
-- Query message
select * from Message;
| id | from_Id | to_ID | message |
| 1 | 1 | 2 | Nice to meet you |
| 2 | 2 | 1 | I also enjoy to meet you |
| 3 | 3 | 1 | My system crashed. Can you help me? |
| 4 | 3 | 2 | I'm hungry |
| 5 | 2 | 3 | Just visit MC'Donalds |
| 6 | 1 | 3 | Restart your system |
| 7 | 3 | 1 | Could you help me with GMAT? |
| 8 | 3 | 1 | Don't forget me and buy a big mac for me |
-- Query Friend
select * from Friend;
| id | from_Id | to_Id |
| 1 | 3 | 9 |
| 2 | 9 | 3 |
| 3 | 4 | 10 |
| 4 | 10 | 4 |
| 5 | 3 | 9 |
| 6 | 9 | 3 |
-- Select some columns from the table of all persons
select LastName, Firstname from Person;
| LastName | Firstname |
| Turner | Peter |
| Turner | Angie |
| Turner | Marvin |
| Turner | Roxanne |
| Turner | Wendy |
| Turner | Richard |
| Wilson | Hilary |
| Wilson | Woodrow |
| Chen | Walter |
| Robinson | Rick |
-- Query persons and sort by firstname
select LastName, FirstName from Person order by FirstName;
| LastName | FirstName |
| Turner | Angie |
| Wilson | Hilary |
| Turner | Marvin |
| Turner | Peter |
| Turner | Richard |
| Robinson | Rick |
| Turner | Roxanne |
| Chen | Walter |
| Turner | Wendy |
| Wilson | Woodrow |
-- Query persons and sort by lastname and firstname
select LastName, FirstName from Person order by LastName, FirstName;
| LastName | FirstName |
| Chen | Walter |
| Robinson | Rick |
| Turner | Angie |
| Turner | Marvin |
| Turner | Peter |
| Turner | Richard |
| Turner | Roxanne |
| Turner | Wendy |
| Wilson | Hilary |
| Wilson | Woodrow |
-- Query persons and sort by lastname descending and firstname ascending
select LastName, FirstName from Person order by LastName desc, FirstName asc;
| LastName | FirstName |
| Wilson | Hilary |
| Wilson | Woodrow |
| Turner | Angie |
| Turner | Marvin |
| Turner | Peter |
| Turner | Richard |
| Turner | Roxanne |
| Turner | Wendy |
| Robinson | Rick |
| Chen | Walter |
-- Select only persons with a given LastName
select LastName, Firstname from Person
where LastName = 'Turner';
| LastName | Firstname |
| Turner | Peter |
| Turner | Angie |
| Turner | Marvin |
| Turner | Roxanne |
| Turner | Wendy |
| Turner | Richard |
-- Select some columns from the table and give the column names German descriptions
select LastName as Nachname, Firstname as Vorname from Person;
| Nachname | Vorname |
| Turner | Peter |
| Turner | Angie |
| Turner | Marvin |
| Turner | Roxanne |
| Turner | Wendy |
| Turner | Richard |
| Wilson | Hilary |
| Wilson | Woodrow |
| Chen | Walter |
| Robinson | Rick |
-- Simple queries to show the contents of the sample database
-- *******************
-- Query persons
select * from Person;
| id | LastName | FirstName | Father_Id | Mother_Id | Address_Id | Gender | Height |
| 1 | Turner | Peter | 6 | 5 | 1 | M | 180 |
| 2 | Turner | Angie | NULL | 8 | 1 | F | 160 |
| 3 | Turner | Marvin | 1 | 2 | 2 | M | 185 |
| 4 | Turner | Roxanne | 1 | 2 | 1 | F | 155 |
| 5 | Turner | Wendy | 8 | NULL | 3 | F | 167 |
| 6 | Turner | Richard | NULL | NULL | 3 | M | 162 |
| 8 | Wilson | Hilary | NULL | NULL | 4 | F | 169 |
| 7 | Wilson | Woodrow | NULL | NULL | 4 | M | 174 |
| 10 | Chen | Walter | NULL | NULL | NULL | M | 156 |
| 9 | Robinson | Rick | NULL | NULL | NULL | M | 189 |
-- Query Sibling
select * from Sibling;
| id | from_Id | to_Id |
| 1 | 3 | 4 |
| 2 | 4 | 3 |
-- Query City
select * from City;
| id | Name | ZIP |
| 1 | Rochester | 87656 |
| 2 | Paris | 1234 |
| 3 | Wien | 52637 |
| 4 | Berlin | 12987 |
| 5 | New York | 65432 |
-- Query address
select * from Address;
| id | City_Id | Street | No |
| 1 | 1 | Bondstreet | 13 |
| 2 | 2 | PlaceDeLetoile | 45 |
| 3 | 3 | BarneysStreet | 5 |
| 4 | 4 | ShiningStreet | 10 |
-- Query message
select * from Message;
| id | from_Id | to_ID | message |
| 1 | 1 | 2 | Nice to meet you |
| 2 | 2 | 1 | I also enjoy to meet you |
| 3 | 3 | 1 | My system crashed. Can you help me? |
| 4 | 3 | 2 | I'm hungry |
| 5 | 2 | 3 | Just visit MC'Donalds |
| 6 | 1 | 3 | Restart your system |
| 7 | 3 | 1 | Could you help me with GMAT? |
| 8 | 3 | 1 | Don't forget me and buy a big mac for me |
-- Query Friend
select * from Friend;
| id | from_Id | to_Id |
| 1 | 3 | 9 |
| 2 | 9 | 3 |
| 3 | 4 | 10 |
| 4 | 10 | 4 |
| 5 | 3 | 9 |
| 6 | 9 | 3 |
-- Select some columns from the table of all persons
select LastName, Firstname from Person;
| LastName | Firstname |
| Turner | Peter |
| Turner | Angie |
| Turner | Marvin |
| Turner | Roxanne |
| Turner | Wendy |
| Turner | Richard |
| Wilson | Hilary |
| Wilson | Woodrow |
| Chen | Walter |
| Robinson | Rick |
-- Query persons and sort by firstname
select LastName, FirstName from Person order by FirstName;
| LastName | FirstName |
| Turner | Angie |
| Wilson | Hilary |
| Turner | Marvin |
| Turner | Peter |
| Turner | Richard |
| Robinson | Rick |
| Turner | Roxanne |
| Chen | Walter |
| Turner | Wendy |
| Wilson | Woodrow |
-- Query persons and sort by lastname and firstname
select LastName, FirstName from Person order by LastName, FirstName;
| LastName | FirstName |
| Chen | Walter |
| Robinson | Rick |
| Turner | Angie |
| Turner | Marvin |
| Turner | Peter |
| Turner | Richard |
| Turner | Roxanne |
| Turner | Wendy |
| Wilson | Hilary |
| Wilson | Woodrow |
-- Query persons and sort by lastname descending and firstname ascending
select LastName, FirstName from Person order by LastName desc, FirstName asc;
| LastName | FirstName |
| Wilson | Hilary |
| Wilson | Woodrow |
| Turner | Angie |
| Turner | Marvin |
| Turner | Peter |
| Turner | Richard |
| Turner | Roxanne |
| Turner | Wendy |
| Robinson | Rick |
| Chen | Walter |
-- Select only persons with a given LastName
select LastName, Firstname from Person
where LastName = 'Turner';
| LastName | Firstname |
| Turner | Peter |
| Turner | Angie |
| Turner | Marvin |
| Turner | Roxanne |
| Turner | Wendy |
| Turner | Richard |
-- Select some columns from the table and give the column names German descriptions
select LastName as Nachname, Firstname as Vorname from Person;
| Nachname | Vorname |
| Turner | Peter |
| Turner | Angie |
| Turner | Marvin |
| Turner | Roxanne |
| Turner | Wendy |
| Turner | Richard |
| Wilson | Hilary |
| Wilson | Woodrow |
| Chen | Walter |
| Robinson | Rick |
-- *******************
-- NULL values
-- *******************
-- NULL values are NOT identical
select NULL = NULL;
| NULL |
-- NULL values are identical if special operator <=> is used
select NULL <=> NULL;
| NULL <=> NULL |
| 1 |
-- tests for NULL equality
select NULL is null,NULL is not null;
| NULL is null | NULL is not null |
| 1 | 0 |
-- count(*) counts all rows whereas count(columnName) counts rows which don't have NULL in the column
select count(*) as 'Total # of Persons', count(Father_Id) as 'Person has father' from Person;
| Total # of Persons | Person has father |
| 10 | 4 |
-- Select persons which don't have a known father
select LastName, FirstName from Person
where Father_Id is null;
| LastName | FirstName |
| Turner | Angie |
| Turner | Richard |
| Wilson | Hilary |
| Wilson | Woodrow |
| Chen | Walter |
| Robinson | Rick |
-- Select persons which know their father
select LastName, FirstName from Person
where Father_Id is not null;
| LastName | FirstName |
| Turner | Peter |
| Turner | Marvin |
| Turner | Roxanne |
| Turner | Wendy |
-- Select persons which down't know both parents
select LastName, FirstName from Person
where (Father_Id is not null
and Mother_Id is null)
(Father_Id is null
and Mother_Id is not null);
| LastName | FirstName |
| Turner | Angie |
| Turner | Wendy |
-- NULL does not match any like statement
select NULL like '%', NULL not like '%';
select 'art' like 'a%', 'art' not like '%';
| NULL like '%' | NULL not like '%' |
| 'art' like 'a%' | 'art' not like '%' |
| 1 | 0 |
-- *******************
-- views to simplify queries
-- *******************
-- Create view which returns persons which have a father only
create or replace view motherOnly as
select LastName, FirstName from Person
where (Father_Id is not null
and Mother_Id is null);
-- Create view which returns persons which have a mother only
create or replace view fatherOnly as
select LastName, FirstName from Person
where (Father_Id is null
and Mother_Id is not null);
-- Select persons which either know father or mother
select * from fatherOnly
select * from motherOnly;
| LastName | FirstName |
| Turner | Angie |
| Turner | Wendy |
-- *******************
-- group queries
-- *******************
-- Count number of women and men with the same lastname
select LastName, Gender, count(*) as Count from Person
group by LastName,Gender;
| LastName | Gender | Count |
| Chen | M | 1 |
| Robinson | M | 1 |
| Turner | F | 3 |
| Turner | M | 3 |
| Wilson | F | 1 |
| Wilson | M | 1 |
-- Count number of persons with a given name and give the result column another name
select count(*) as 'Number of people' from Person
where LastName = 'Turner';
| Number of people |
| 6 |
-- Count number of men an women
select Gender,count(*) as 'Number of people' from Person
group by Gender;
| Gender | Number of people |
| F | 4 |
| M | 6 |
| Gender | Number of people |
| F | 4 |
| M | 6 |
-- Count number of men an women and give gender a better name
select If(Gender = 'M',"Men","Woman") as Gender ,count(*) as 'Number of people' from Person
group by Gender;
| Gender | Number of people |
| F | 4 |
| M | 6 |
-- Show women and men which with the same lastname if there are more than 2
select LastName, Gender, count(*) as Count from Person
group by LastName,Gender
select If(Gender = 'M',"Men","Woman") as Gender ,count(*) as 'Number of people' from Person
group by Gender;
| Gender | Number of people |
| F | 4 |
| M | 6 |
-- Show women and men which with the same lastname if there are more than 2
select LastName, Gender, count(*) as Count from Person
group by LastName,Gender
having count(*) > 2;
| LastName | Gender | Count |
| Turner | F | 3 |
| Turner | M | 3 |
| LastName | Gender | Count |
| Turner | F | 3 |
| Turner | M | 3 |
-- *******************
-- calculations
-- *******************
-- Show height of persons
select LastName, FirstName, height as Avg from Person
order by height;
| LastName | FirstName | Avg |
| Turner | Roxanne | 155 |
| Chen | Walter | 156 |
| Turner | Angie | 160 |
| Turner | Richard | 162 |
| Turner | Wendy | 167 |
| Wilson | Hilary | 169 |
| Wilson | Woodrow | 174 |
| Turner | Peter | 180 |
| Turner | Marvin | 185 |
| Robinson | Rick | 189 |
-- Show smallest person
select LastName, FirstName, height as Avg from Person
order by height
limit 1;
| LastName | FirstName | Avg |
| Turner | Roxanne | 155 |
-- Show biggest person
select LastName, FirstName, height as Avg from Person
order by height desc
limit 1;
| LastName | FirstName | Avg |
| Robinson | Rick | 189 |
-- Count min, max, avg of height of persons
select Min(height) as Min, Max(height) as Max, Avg(height) as Avg from Person;
| Min | Max | Avg |
| 155 | 189 | 169.7000 |
-- Select person with the maximum and minimum height
select LastName, FirstName, Height from Person
where height = (select max(height) from Person)
or height = (select min(height) from Person);
| LastName | FirstName | Height |
| Turner | Roxanne | 155 |
| Robinson | Rick | 189 |
-- Select persons with a height above average
set @avg = (select Avg(height) from Person);
select LastName, FirstName, Height as Avg from Person
where Height > @avg
order by height desc;
| LastName | FirstName | Avg |
| Robinson | Rick | 189 |
| Turner | Marvin | 185 |
| Turner | Peter | 180 |
| Wilson | Woodrow | 174 |
-- or
select LastName, FirstName, Height as Avg from Person
where Height > (select avg(height) from Person)
order by height desc;
| LastName | FirstName | Avg |
| Robinson | Rick | 189 |
| Turner | Marvin | 185 |
| Turner | Peter | 180 |
| Wilson | Woodrow | 174 |
-- calculations
-- *******************
-- Show height of persons
select LastName, FirstName, height as Avg from Person
order by height;
| LastName | FirstName | Avg |
| Turner | Roxanne | 155 |
| Chen | Walter | 156 |
| Turner | Angie | 160 |
| Turner | Richard | 162 |
| Turner | Wendy | 167 |
| Wilson | Hilary | 169 |
| Wilson | Woodrow | 174 |
| Turner | Peter | 180 |
| Turner | Marvin | 185 |
| Robinson | Rick | 189 |
-- Show smallest person
select LastName, FirstName, height as Avg from Person
order by height
limit 1;
| LastName | FirstName | Avg |
| Turner | Roxanne | 155 |
-- Show biggest person
select LastName, FirstName, height as Avg from Person
order by height desc
limit 1;
| LastName | FirstName | Avg |
| Robinson | Rick | 189 |
-- Count min, max, avg of height of persons
select Min(height) as Min, Max(height) as Max, Avg(height) as Avg from Person;
| Min | Max | Avg |
| 155 | 189 | 169.7000 |
-- Select person with the maximum and minimum height
select LastName, FirstName, Height from Person
where height = (select max(height) from Person)
or height = (select min(height) from Person);
| LastName | FirstName | Height |
| Turner | Roxanne | 155 |
| Robinson | Rick | 189 |
-- Select persons with a height above average
set @avg = (select Avg(height) from Person);
select LastName, FirstName, Height as Avg from Person
where Height > @avg
order by height desc;
| LastName | FirstName | Avg |
| Robinson | Rick | 189 |
| Turner | Marvin | 185 |
| Turner | Peter | 180 |
| Wilson | Woodrow | 174 |
-- or
select LastName, FirstName, Height as Avg from Person
where Height > (select avg(height) from Person)
order by height desc;
| LastName | FirstName | Avg |
| Robinson | Rick | 189 |
| Turner | Marvin | 185 |
| Turner | Peter | 180 |
| Wilson | Woodrow | 174 |
-- *******************
-- Joins
-- Zusammenfassungen
-- *******************
-- Query parents of persons
select p1.FirstName,p2.LastName as ParentLastName,
p2.FirstName as ParentFirstName
from Person as p1
inner join Person as p2
on (p1.Father_Id = p2.id or p1.Mother_Id = p2.id);
| FirstName | ParentLastName | ParentFirstName |
| Peter | Turner | Wendy |
| Peter | Turner | Richard |
| Angie | Wilson | Hilary |
| Marvin | Turner | Peter |
| Marvin | Turner | Angie |
| Roxanne | Turner | Peter |
| Roxanne | Turner | Angie |
| Wendy | Wilson | Hilary |
-- Query which persons are parents and remove duplicates
select distinct p2.LastName as ParentLastName,
p2.FirstName as ParentFirstName
from Person as p1
inner join Person as p2
on (p1.Father_Id = p2.id or p1.Mother_Id = p2.id);
| ParentLastName | ParentFirstName |
| Turner | Wendy |
| Turner | Richard |
| Wilson | Hilary |
| Turner | Peter |
| Turner | Angie |
-- Query sibling of a person
select p1.LastName, p1.FirstName
from Person as p1
inner join Sibling as s
inner join Person as p2
on p1.id = s.from_Id and s.to_Id = p2.id
and p1.FirstName != 'Marvin';
| LastName | FirstName |
| Turner | Roxanne |
-- Query message send by one person
select p1.FirstName as 'From',
p2.FirstName as 'To',
from Person as p1
inner join Message as m
inner join Person as p2
on p1.id = m.from_Id
and m.to_Id = p2.id
where (select id from Person where FirstName = 'Marvin');
| From | To | message |
| Peter | Angie | Nice to meet you |
| Angie | Peter | I also enjoy to meet you |
| Marvin | Peter | My system crashed. Can you help me? |
| Marvin | Angie | I'm hungry |
| Angie | Marvin | Just visit MC'Donalds |
| Peter | Marvin | Restart your system |
| Marvin | Peter | Could you help me with GMAT? |
| Marvin | Peter | Don't forget me and buy a big mac for me |
-- Query messages replied to one person
select p2.FirstName as 'From',
p1.FirstName as 'To',
from Person as p1
inner join Message as m
inner join Person as p2
on p1.id = m.to_Id
and m.from_Id = p2.id
where (select id from Person where FirstName = 'Marvin');
| From | To | message |
| Peter | Angie | Nice to meet you |
| Angie | Peter | I also enjoy to meet you |
| Marvin | Peter | My system crashed. Can you help me? |
| Marvin | Angie | I'm hungry |
| Angie | Marvin | Just visit MC'Donalds |
| Peter | Marvin | Restart your system |
| Marvin | Peter | Could you help me with GMAT? |
| Marvin | Peter | Don't forget me and buy a big mac for me |
| From | To | message |
| Peter | Angie | Nice to meet you |
| Angie | Peter | I also enjoy to meet you |
| Marvin | Peter | My system crashed. Can you help me? |
| Marvin | Angie | I'm hungry |
| Angie | Marvin | Just visit MC'Donalds |
| Peter | Marvin | Restart your system |
| Marvin | Peter | Could you help me with GMAT? |
| Marvin | Peter | Don't forget me and buy a big mac for me |
-- Query messages sent and replied from one person
-- Abfrage der Meldungen, die von einer Person geschickt und gesendet wurden
select p1.FirstName,
If(m.from_Id = p1.id,'Sent to','Received from') 'S/R',
from Person as p1
inner join Message as m
inner join Person as p2
on p1.id = m.to_Id
and m.from_Id = p2.id
or p2.id = m.to_Id
and m.from_Id = p1.id
where (select id from Person where FirstName = 'Marvin')
order by p1.LastName, p1.FirstName;
| FirstName | S/R | Firstname | message |
| Angie | Received from | Peter | Nice to meet you |
| Angie | Sent to | Marvin | Just visit MC'Donalds |
| Angie | Received from | Marvin | I'm hungry |
| Angie | Sent to | Peter | I also enjoy to meet you |
| Marvin | Received from | Peter | Restart your system |
| Marvin | Sent to | Peter | Don't forget me and buy a big mac for me |
| Marvin | Sent to | Peter | My system crashed. Can you help me? |
| Marvin | Received from | Angie | Just visit MC'Donalds |
| Marvin | Sent to | Peter | Could you help me with GMAT? |
| Marvin | Sent to | Angie | I'm hungry |
| Peter | Received from | Marvin | Could you help me with GMAT? |
| Peter | Received from | Angie | I also enjoy to meet you |
| Peter | Sent to | Marvin | Restart your system |
| Peter | Sent to | Angie | Nice to meet you |
| Peter | Received from | Marvin | Don't forget me and buy a big mac for me |
| Peter | Received from | Marvin | My system crashed. Can you help me? |
-- Query number of messages sent and replied from all persons
-- Abfrage der Anzahl von Meldungen, die von allen Personen gesendet oder empfangen wurden
select p1.FirstName,
If(m.from_Id = p1.id,'Sent','Received') 'S/R',
count(*) as 'Messages'
from Person as p1
inner join Message as m
inner join Person as p2
on p1.id = m.to_Id
and m.from_Id = p2.id
or p2.id = m.to_Id
and m.from_Id = p1.id
group by p1.FirstName,p1.LastName,m.from_Id = p1.id
order by p1.LastName, p1.FirstName;
| FirstName | S/R | Messages |
| Angie | Sent | 2 |
| Angie | Received | 2 |
| Marvin | Received | 2 |
| Marvin | Sent | 4 |
| Peter | Received | 4 |
| Peter | Sent | 2 |
-- Query persons with their full address
-- Abfrage der Personen mit ihrer vollständigen Adresse
select LastName, FirstName, c.Name, c.ZIP, a.Street, a.No
from Person as p
inner join City as c
inner join Address as a
on p.Address_Id = a.id and a.City_Id = c.id
order by LastName, FirstName;
| LastName | FirstName | Name | ZIP | Street | No |
| Turner | Angie | Rochester | 87656 | Bondstreet | 13 |
| Turner | Marvin | Paris | 1234 | PlaceDeLetoile | 45 |
| Turner | Peter | Rochester | 87656 | Bondstreet | 13 |
| Turner | Richard | Wien | 52637 | BarneysStreet | 5 |
| Turner | Roxanne | Rochester | 87656 | Bondstreet | 13 |
| Turner | Wendy | Wien | 52637 | BarneysStreet | 5 |
| Wilson | Hilary | Berlin | 12987 | ShiningStreet | 10 |
| Wilson | Woodrow | Berlin | 12987 | ShiningStreet | 10 |
-- Query siblings which have the same friends
select concat(L1,' ',F1) as person,concat(L2,' ',F2) as sibling, concat(p.LastName,' ',p.FirstName) as 'common friend' from Friend as f
inner join ( /* subselect to select all siblings */
select p1.Lastname as L1, p1.FirstName as F1, p2.LastName as L2, p2.FirstName as F2,s.*
from Person as p1
inner join Sibling as s
inner join Person as p2
on p1.id = s.from_Id
and p2.id = s.to_Id
and p1.id > p2.id) as s /* remove duplicates */
inner join Person as p /* join to get name of common friend */
where f.from_Id = s.from_Id and p.id = f.to_Id;
| person | sibling | common friend |
| Turner Roxanne | Turner Marvin | Chen Walter |
-- Abfrage der Meldungen, die von einer Person geschickt und gesendet wurden
select p1.FirstName,
If(m.from_Id = p1.id,'Sent to','Received from') 'S/R',
from Person as p1
inner join Message as m
inner join Person as p2
on p1.id = m.to_Id
and m.from_Id = p2.id
or p2.id = m.to_Id
and m.from_Id = p1.id
where (select id from Person where FirstName = 'Marvin')
order by p1.LastName, p1.FirstName;
| FirstName | S/R | Firstname | message |
| Angie | Received from | Peter | Nice to meet you |
| Angie | Sent to | Marvin | Just visit MC'Donalds |
| Angie | Received from | Marvin | I'm hungry |
| Angie | Sent to | Peter | I also enjoy to meet you |
| Marvin | Received from | Peter | Restart your system |
| Marvin | Sent to | Peter | Don't forget me and buy a big mac for me |
| Marvin | Sent to | Peter | My system crashed. Can you help me? |
| Marvin | Received from | Angie | Just visit MC'Donalds |
| Marvin | Sent to | Peter | Could you help me with GMAT? |
| Marvin | Sent to | Angie | I'm hungry |
| Peter | Received from | Marvin | Could you help me with GMAT? |
| Peter | Received from | Angie | I also enjoy to meet you |
| Peter | Sent to | Marvin | Restart your system |
| Peter | Sent to | Angie | Nice to meet you |
| Peter | Received from | Marvin | Don't forget me and buy a big mac for me |
| Peter | Received from | Marvin | My system crashed. Can you help me? |
-- Query number of messages sent and replied from all persons
-- Abfrage der Anzahl von Meldungen, die von allen Personen gesendet oder empfangen wurden
select p1.FirstName,
If(m.from_Id = p1.id,'Sent','Received') 'S/R',
count(*) as 'Messages'
from Person as p1
inner join Message as m
inner join Person as p2
on p1.id = m.to_Id
and m.from_Id = p2.id
or p2.id = m.to_Id
and m.from_Id = p1.id
group by p1.FirstName,p1.LastName,m.from_Id = p1.id
order by p1.LastName, p1.FirstName;
| FirstName | S/R | Messages |
| Angie | Sent | 2 |
| Angie | Received | 2 |
| Marvin | Received | 2 |
| Marvin | Sent | 4 |
| Peter | Received | 4 |
| Peter | Sent | 2 |
-- Query persons with their full address
-- Abfrage der Personen mit ihrer vollständigen Adresse
select LastName, FirstName, c.Name, c.ZIP, a.Street, a.No
from Person as p
inner join City as c
inner join Address as a
on p.Address_Id = a.id and a.City_Id = c.id
order by LastName, FirstName;
| LastName | FirstName | Name | ZIP | Street | No |
| Turner | Angie | Rochester | 87656 | Bondstreet | 13 |
| Turner | Marvin | Paris | 1234 | PlaceDeLetoile | 45 |
| Turner | Peter | Rochester | 87656 | Bondstreet | 13 |
| Turner | Richard | Wien | 52637 | BarneysStreet | 5 |
| Turner | Roxanne | Rochester | 87656 | Bondstreet | 13 |
| Turner | Wendy | Wien | 52637 | BarneysStreet | 5 |
| Wilson | Hilary | Berlin | 12987 | ShiningStreet | 10 |
| Wilson | Woodrow | Berlin | 12987 | ShiningStreet | 10 |
-- Query siblings which have the same friends
select concat(L1,' ',F1) as person,concat(L2,' ',F2) as sibling, concat(p.LastName,' ',p.FirstName) as 'common friend' from Friend as f
inner join ( /* subselect to select all siblings */
select p1.Lastname as L1, p1.FirstName as F1, p2.LastName as L2, p2.FirstName as F2,s.*
from Person as p1
inner join Sibling as s
inner join Person as p2
on p1.id = s.from_Id
and p2.id = s.to_Id
and p1.id > p2.id) as s /* remove duplicates */
inner join Person as p /* join to get name of common friend */
where f.from_Id = s.from_Id and p.id = f.to_Id;
| person | sibling | common friend |
| Turner Roxanne | Turner Marvin | Chen Walter |
*** Note ***
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