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So many people from the community helped to improve raspiBackup with their comments, improvement requests and beta- and fix test support and execution. It's time to mention them now.  I unfortunately don't remember everybody - sorry about this.


Note: Given the number of contacts and feedbacks I get in then meantime I don't maintain this list any more. Otherwise I'm more involved in updating the list than to create new features or fix bugs in raspiBackup ;-)


Following people helped to improve the functionality and quality of raspiBackup:


First of all all people which contributed to raspiBackup


Note: The list is not complete. It's imposible for me to list every contact I had. I enjoyed to be in contact with all of you and please note: Even if you are not listed below you contributed to the functionality and quality of raspiBackup.


Alex - Reported and provided a fix for a glitch in raspiBackup: Directories were saved even they were execluded.

baLLi - Reported a bug and helped with logs and tests to identify the root cause for the bug and to fix it

beMoD - Reported an uggly timing issue and helped to find the resolution and tested it

Christian - Reported an issue with the language selection algorithm and tested the fix

dbv - Helped to improve and test the UI Installer

dorf - Asked for sendEmail support and tested the improvement

Erik - Executed additional tests at the end of 0.6 Beta

ganfoud - Reported and issue with spaces in filenames and tested the fix

gNeandr - Gave valuable feedback and suggested to change the original raspiBackup icon to smile

heelga - Suggested to add the parameter -Y and tested the new function

Hofei - Helped to improve and test the UI Installer

hyle - Helped to improve and test the UI Installer

Ian - Reported also the issue with spaces in filenames and made some interesting suggestions to use the dropbox uploader as backup tagret

Jan - Reported an issue with the hostname and tested the fix

Linus - Helped to improve and test the UI Installer


MadM4x - Found the root cause of the ACL error message created by rsync and tested the new progress bar functionality carefully

Markus - Suggested to save and restore an external root partition and tested the new function

Markus - Reported issues with Synonlogy and helped to test them

Martin - Suggested to add additional optional parameters for dd

Mattes - Reported  some outputs of the script are incorrect and tested the fix

Michi - Executed  restoretests because there were some restore issues

Robert - Pointed out that some parameters are missing in the config file and tested the fix

Sigi  - Tested Beta 0.6 very carefully

Stephen - Tested the code changes required to support Raspberry3 running without SD card

Tommy - Reported  two issues in the new release 0.6 and tested the fix



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