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Everybody working most of the time in the command line can use shortcuts to enter, modify and change commands and will speed up the work.


Cursor movements

CTRL + A - Moves cursor to start of line

CTRL + E - Moves cursor to end of line

ALT + F - Move cursor forward one word 

ALT + B - Move cursor backward one word

CTRL + XX - Move cursor to start or end of line (flip flop)


CTRL + U - Delete text from current cursor position to start of line

CTRL + K - Delete text from current cursor position to end of line

CTRL + W - Delete word in front of cursor position

ALT + DEL - Delete word after cursor position

ALT + D - Delete word after cursor position




CTRL + Y - Insert text from clipboard

!$ - Insert last word of previous command

!^ - Insert first word of previous command

ALT + . - Insert last word of previous command


CTRL + R - Reverse search

CTRL + J - Terminate reverse search

CTRL + G - Terminate reverse search and restore old line

CTRL + P - Previous input

CTRL + N - Next input


!! - Execute previous command

!!:s/abc/def/ - Execute previous command and substitue abc with def

!n - Execute command n from command history

!abc - Execute previous command which started with abc

^abc^def - Execute previous command and substiture abc with def



ALT + U - Change next word to uppercase

ALT + L - Change next word to lowercase

CTRL + _ - Undo previous command


Bash shell shortcuts that every system administrator must know

Bash shortcuts: Quick reference


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